FURRY FRIDAY Patti Dawson - Dallas DogRRR, James Greenblatt, MD - Answers to Anorexia #1682

It’s FURRY FRIDAY brought to you by Castor & Pollux organic and sustainably-sourced pet food. Bernadette and Patti Dawson of Dallas DogRRR discuss how to address the growing number of shelter animals across the country. If you can foster, adopt or even volunteer, please contact your local shelter today. And, learn more about Patti and the work of DallasDogRRR on their website.

James Greenblatt, MD joins us on the eve of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (NEDAweek) to talk about his groundbreaking book, Answers to Anorexia. The second edition was just released. If you are struggling with anorexia, Dr. Greenblatt offers patients and families new hope for the successful treatment of this serious, frustrating, and enigmatic illness. It proposes the first new treatment plan for anorexia in fifty years. Learn more at jamesgreenblattmd.com.

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