Pet Grooming 101, the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous

Sam Morris on One Life RadioMaura Davies, Vice President of Communications at the SPCA of Texas, joins us for our Friday Pet Segment with tips for grooming our pets under quarantine, and Sam Morris joins us to explain the 12 Steps for recovery from addiction.

Pet Grooming with the SPCA of Texas

We all fear clipping our pets nails. Davies sites a funny video showing a method of wrapping your head with plastic wrap and peanut butter to keep your dog occupied while clipping. Also, she strongly recommends brushing your pets on a regular basis. Animals can get knots in their fur that unattended can pull their skin and cause skin irritation and worse. If you have questions when attempting to groom your pet, call your veterinarian.

The 12 Steps of Recovery

Sam Morris, founder of The Unbreakable Man Project, specializes in helping people slay their mental dragons. He is a certified personal development coach, certified recovery consultant and certified health coach. As a frequent guest of One Life Radio, Morris brings expertise, honesty and candor discussing his own personal journey of addiction and recovery.Through working the 12 steps, Morris says he could see why he turned to alcohol years ago. He grew up with severe allergies, which caused him to withdraw and have extreme anxiety as a child and teenager. Once introduced to alcohol, he immediately realized that it helped rid him of his anxiety. Within a relatively short time, he became a full-blown alcoholic. He tried everything to stop, including AA, and nothing was working. He realized he would have to give 100% to be successful.The process of doing the steps helps to uncover the underlying issues behind an addiction. Until someone addresses the reasons they are addicted, they will not be able to fully recover.He goes on to explain how the steps work by breaking them down into three quadrants; cleaning house, trusting in a higher power and finally helping others.Can anyone do the steps? Morris refers to the steps as a "Karmic Cleansing" that can help anyone balance out their life. He does say that a support group is needed to truly do the steps effectively.If you, or someone you know has a substance abuse issue, visit Morris' website, for resources that can help, or you can email him directly at

Thanks from One Life Radio

Thanks to Maura and Sam for a great show! And, as always, thank you to all of our One Life Radio listeners and our wonderful sponsors; Sunwarrior, Enviromedica, NED Full-Spectrum CBD, Paleo Magazine, Well Being Journal, VEGWORLD and the ISSN.Have a great weekend!    


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