Ingrid Newkirk - PETA Update
PETA on One Life Radio
Courtney Garza of VEGWORLD joins us for the opening before our extended interview with Ingrid Newkirk, President of PETA. Garza and VEGWORLD have covered the work of PETA for years and are huge supporters. Check out the magazine and sign up for a FREE digital subscription at
PETA Update with Ingrid Newkirk
Ingrid Newkirk of PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, joins us to talk about their work, racism and how we can make the world a better place. We are all opposed to oppression. It shouldn’t matter if it’s a human being or an animal. We are all part of creation. We all deserve compassion and respect.People tell Ingrid “I’m just one person”. She says that’s enough. Write letters, share videos, call your government representatives and attend events. If you care about animals, Ingrid has a million things you can do to help them. Go to for ways you can help. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.Newkirk says if you don’t have time, don’t do anything. Meaning, don’t eat animals and don’t go to events exploiting and harming animals. The rodeo and parks like Seaworld, for example. If you don’t do anything that contributes to animal abuse, you're helping. Animal abuse carries over to racial abuse, gender bias and everything negative.Listen to the show to hear why PETA is buying stock in some of the largest factory farming companies in the world and learn about their work to stop the Tiger King and others like him.To learn more, pick up Ingrid’s latest book, AnimalKind.Thank you to our listeners! We love you, we love animals and we love the planet! We are learning every day how to be kind to one another. Remember, you get one body, one mind and one life...let's all get out there today and make the most of it together!