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DeWone Bennett - Preparing to be the Best Me for the New Year #1150

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DeWone Bennett is a National Certified Counselor and Counseling Supervisor. Today he joins us to talk about how to prepare to be the best you in the New Year.

How to be the Best Me in the New Year

The New Year creeps up on all of us and New Years resolutions can be made without much thought into them. We decide to do things like: Lose 25 pounds by summer, stop drinking, stop cursing, spend more time with family, etc. We have the resolution, but we forget one huge aspect into how to follow through. Which are, the baby steps and the day-to-day on how to reach those big goals.DeWone talks with us about how to create the small, daily goals to reach our bigger, long-term goals. We must break down our resolutions and create step-by-step plans on how we are going to achieve them. This will make for a much better success rate. DeWone says we also need to plan for the days that we fall short, because that will happen. Planning how to get back on the horse after falling off is a major tool in continuing onto achieving your goals.Listen in to get all the tips on New Years resolutions.