One Life Radio

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Protein, MudPacking & Urban Farming #943


We are a meat-obsessed society. Yes, protein is extremely important for your body, but there are so many other ways to get it than from just meat. Also, there is such a thing as eating too much protein...whaaaaat!? Fitz Lauder is an expert in whole foods plant-based diets. He talks to us about how much protein you should be taking in, how protein really impacts muscle mass, as well as where to find protein in plants. This is such important information to keep your body healthy as well as helping the planet.

Have you ever heard of MudPacking? Chelsea Barlow is a BioEnergetic practitioner and a CNHP (Certified Natural Health Professional.) Being a BioEnergetic Practitioner means that she works with the whole body. MudPacking re-establishes energetic connections and pathways when they have been "kinked" by trauma, injury, surgery, etc. Chelsea joins us to talk about how MudPacking is practiced and how it works. You can find Chelsea here!

"All Things Autumn" today we talk more on Urban Farming with Autumn Connolly. If you didn't hear the beginning of this topic last week, click here. Urban farming is all about farming when you don't live in a rural area and where to begin.