
An accomplished author, researcher and college professor, for over two decades Robert Wildman, PhD, RD, has helped people achieve their fitness and nutrition goals by teaching them how to eat right for a longer, healthier and happier life.Dr. Wildman currently serves as Chief Science Officer for Dymatize Nutrition, one of the world's premiere sport nutrition companies. He also founded and continues to manage the, a go-to resource for questions about health and nutrition. Dr. Wildman has served on the faculty at Ohio University and the University of Delaware and is currently adjunct faculty at Kansas State University.Educated in some of the nation's leading nutrition programs, Dr. Wildman has authored multiple books, including The Nutritionist: Food, Nutrition and Optimal Health, Sport & Fitness Nutrition and The Handbook of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods. These information-packed resources are available on and used daily by health professionals, college students and smart consumers around the globe.Being a foremost authority on nutrition, Dr. Wildman has been interviewed for several of the top regional morning TV shows and newspapers like NY Daily News and LA Times. He has been quoted in numerous magazines including Status Fitness, Men's Health, and Woman's Day and multiple books on men's health. He is also a featured nutrition expert on, a leading on-line health site, as well as Dr. Wildman has presented national sport nutrition seminars to personal trainers and nutritionists and has been an expert panel member for both the Columbus and Marine Corp Marathons.Dr. Wildman is a registered and licensed dietitian with the American Dietetics Association and has a PhD from Ohio State University in Human Nutrition. He received his MS from Florida State University in Foods and Nutrition and a BS from the University of Pittsburgh in Dietetics and Nutrition.Dr. Wildman enjoys weight training and endurance activities, has run marathons and has competed in several triathlons. He is a living example of how balancing good nutrition and healthy lifestyle leads to a healthy existence.


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