DeWone Bennett - Saying No and Dr. Art Markman - Suicide and Gun Violence #1076
Saying No, Why Can't I Say No
Today we talk with DeWone Bennett about saying no and why it may be more difficult for you. Dr. Art Markman talks about suicide and the relation to guns.
Why Can't I Say No?
DeWone Bennett is a licensed professional counselor with two masters degrees, one in counseling and another in psychology. Today our topic with DeWone is saying no, specifically why it's so hard to say no. The "say yes" mentality is great, but it can put you in a predicament where you over commit and wear yourself out. Saying no is absolutely O.K. and will not create a bad relationship between you and whoever is asking you to do something.The biggest fear in saying no is that you will ruin a friendship or hurt someone. But in all reality, we have to learn how to say no and make sure we are only committing to what we are capable of. DeWone talks to us today about what is behind the fear of saying no, and how to overcome it.Here is a link to a show we did with Dr. Mark Goulston, the co-creator of the documentary "Stay Alive" for suicide prevention.
Suicide and Gun Violence
Dr. Art Markman is a psychology professor at the University of Texas at Austin. Today we talk with Dr. Markman about suicide and guns. The statistics of suicide rates are rising, and the violence associated with suicide is rising. This is a very heavy topic, but it is also so relevant. The blame game seems to go onto the gun in a mass shooting, but what about a suicide? The real issue at hand is knowing the mental state of the people around you. One shocking statistic is that most people who attempt suicide and live to talk about it end up regretting it and never attempting again. This speaks volumes about why it is so important to help and encourage those around you who might be struggling NOT to take that plunge.