Sept 11th 2017 - Body Image - Diet and Depression
Today we talk with Dr. Mike McFarland about body image, and we talk with Ryan Lowery about diet and depression.
How do Women deal with body image issues and body dysmporphic disorder?
discusses the relationship between exercise and body image. Here are some questions Dr. Mike McFarland answers:
It’s no secret that many women in America are unhappy with their bodies. What does research tell us about this?
So what do we know about how exercise affects our body image? In other words, how important is exercise to achieving satisfaction with our bodies?
"Beginning in the early 1990s investigations into the body image concerns of men have increased, and this study adds to extant research by examining correlates of more general body dissatisfaction (BD) and symptoms of muscle dysmorphia (MD) in particular. Three hundred four undergraduate men completed a broad-based symptom inventory, a self-concept questionnaire, and an instrument that assessed problematic body image, eating, and exercise patterns as well as specific symptoms of MD. Multiple regression analyses suggest that lower ratings of overall self-concept and higher levels of depression, anxiety, and interpersonal sensitivity are predictive of body image concerns in men. Furthermore, these variables accounted for almost twice the variance in general BD than they did for specific symptoms of MD. In addition, anorexic and bulimic behaviors, obsessive–compulsive symptoms, and risk factors for interpersonal problems were also associated with symptoms of MD, even when BD was controlled."Read more about Dr. Mike McFarland's study here.
Ryan Lowery talks about the link between diet and depression. Find more about the benefits of the ketogenic diet from Ryan Lowery's book "The Ketogenic Bible"