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Sept 12th 2017 - Sugar and your Brain - Power of Words

Today we talk with Dr. David Foreman about sugar and the brain, and we talk with Robin Perry Braun about the power of words and positive thoughts.The Herbal Pharmacist, Dr. David Foreman says most people gravitate to sugar and sugary drinks at times during the day when they feel they need to stay mentally focused or energized, but he says there are other ways we can drive energy to the brain that doesn’t shock it with sugar.  Because our brain uses about 20 percent of our body’s energy, Foreman says we need to feed it the right nutrients at the right times to maintain focus, concentration and memory throughout the day and also for long-term brain health. Here are a few questions Dr. David Foreman answers:1. We know sugar is bad but how bad is it for our brain? What are the latest studies showing?2. Are diet drinks a good substitute for sugary drinks? Why are they more dangerous to our health?3. Why do you think we gravitate to sugar? How can we break that cycle?4. What are your A-B-C-D’s when it comes to feeding the brain good nutrients?5. Why is it important to relax the brain? What ways can we help the brain to recharge?6. At what age should we start thinking about brain health? How it affects our overall health?Robin Perry Braun talks about the power of words, intentions and thoughts.

  1. How can you explain that there is power in words both spoken and unspoken?

Quantum Physics shows us that words, thoughts and intentions give off energy and that has an effect

2. What is the effect of negative thoughts, words and intentions

  • Disease in an individual – many studies and science to confirm this and even the AMA agrees
  • Negative programming which affects the identity
  • Depression, anxiety etc.

On a corporate level, like attracts like – when we sow negativity like hate, disunity, attack, slander, judgement of character, we attract back destruction and negative resultsWhen we sow love, peace, understanding, empathy, we attract good and positive things.We do the negative on autopilot and we take no responsibility or make any connections to the power it has on our lives but QP proves that we create our own lives by what we attract and it is the law of reciprocity and expansion (what we focus on we give energy to and it expands)Would you be more careful about your words, thoughts and intentions if you had the belief that they really mattered both individually and corporately?