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Dr. Jonny Bowden “The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth”, Dr. Richard Enander - Sleep, Robin Perry Braun - Power of Words

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Dr. Jonny Bowden, Dr. Richard Enander, and Robin Perry Braun

Today we talk with Dr. Jonny Bowden about his new book "The 150 Healthiest Foods On Earth", we talk with Robin Perry Braun about the power of thoughts, words and intentions in the corporate world, and we talk with Dr. Richard Enander about sleep.Dr. Jonny Bowden goes into depth in his new book mainly focusing on the farming and raising of animals. Also going into depth between wild cod and farmed raised fish."The only thing these diets have in common is that they’re all based on whole foods with minimum processing. Nuts, berries, beans, raw milk, grass-fed meat. Whole, real, unprocessed food is almost always healthy, regardless of how many grams of carbs, protein or fat it contains.All these healthy diets have in common the fact that they are absent foods with bar codes. They are also extremely low in sugar. In fact, the number of modern or ancient societies known for health and longevity that have consumed a diet high in sugar would be … let’s see … zero.Truth be told, what you eat probably matters less than how much processing it’s undergone. Real food–whole food with minimal processing–contains a virtual pharmacy of nutrients, phytochemicals, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, anti-inflammatories and healthful fats, and can easily keep you alive and thriving into your 10th decade."Read more about the Healthiest Foods On Earth!Robin Perry Braun talks about the power of thoughts, intentions, and words in the work place.1. How can you explain that there is power in our words?Quantum Physics shows us that words, thoughts and intentions give off energy and that has an effect

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  • Case studies of the impact of words

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2. What is the effect of negative thoughts, words and intentions on a corporate levelOn a corporate level, like attracts like – when we sow negativitiy like hate, disunity, attack, slander, judgement of character, we attract back destruction and negative resultsWhen we sow love, peace, understanding, empathy, we attract good and positive things.We do the negative on autopilot and we take no responsibility or make any connections to the power it has on our lives but QP proves that we create our own lives by what we attract and it is the law of reciprocity and expansion (what we focus on we give energy to and it expands)Would you be more careful about your words, thoughts and intentions if you had the belief that they really mattered both individually and corporately.Dr. Richard Enander gives us some tips for better sleep hygiene.

  1. Reduce blue light exposure

  2. Reduce alcohol intake before bedtime

  3. Take a book to bed

  4. Meditate