One Life Radio

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Sept 27th - Self Defense - Investing in Our Children

Today we talk with Daniel Tague about self defense, and we talk with Rosalie Robinson about investing in our chidlren.Here are some questions Daniel Tague answers to keep up armed and ready!

  1. What are some simple things you can use as a weapon if you are in a self defense situation?
    • Pen (tactical)
    • Rolled up news paper
    • Broom stick
    • Flashlight (tactical)
    • eAlarm ( 120 decibels, also can be used for rescue signal
    • Pepper spray?
    • Wasp spray
    • Keys
    • Shoes (bridge in London example)
    • Everything can be used as a weapon
  1. What is the best weapon?
    1. You!!
      • Everything you use is an extension of yourself
  1. How do use these weapons to get out of a self-defense situation?

Rosalie Robinson talks about ways to "Invest In Our Children".Children are often a parent’s greatest joy. Sometimes we forget how limited our time is during their formative years. How are you investing your time?

  1. What do you mean when you say the time we have is “limited”?
  2. So what are “investment” strategies?
  3. How do these strategies make a difference as our children grow up?
  4. What about when our kids enter the job market?