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Sept 6th 2017 - Undoctored - Home Workout - Meetings at Work

Today we talk with Daniel Tague about home workouts, we talk with Dr. William Davis about why health care has failed many, and we talk with Rosalie Robinson about getting rid of meetings in the work place. Here are some questions Daniel Tague answers about home workouts:

  1. Do you have to workout in a gym to get in better shape?No, you need to find a activity that you enjoy doing and do just that
  2. What are some things people can do to get in better shape without going to a gym?a. Martial Artsb. Swimmingc. Walkingd. Playing flag footballe. Dancingf. Tennisg. Scuba diving
  3. Do these things help your health and what is the definition of health?a. the general condition of the body or mind with reference to vigorb. The soundness of body or mind; freedom from disease (homeostasis) or ailmentc. My definition: the ability to move with as little compensation as possible to be able to do life

GlutenDr. William Davis, author of "Wheat Belly" talks more about his new book "Undoctored: Why Healthcare Has Failed You and How You Can Become Smarter Than Your Doctor ".Undoctored expands the lessons learned from the worldwide Wheat Belly experience. While we continue many of the strategies of the Wheat Belly lifestyle (e.g., wheat/grain elimination, vitamin D and magnesium restoration, iodine and thyroid normalization, cultivation of bowel flora, etc.), Undoctored adds several new dimensions and practices.Here are some questions Dr. William Davis answers:

  1. Given the success of the Wheat Belly message, why did you feel a need to take it further as the Undoctored book?
  2. Isn’t it dangerous to encourage people to diagnose their own illness or institute their own treatments?

Rosalie Robinson talked about getting rid of meetings in the workplace.