Sex Trafficking, Wonder of Lost Causes, Music Rewires the Brain #1034

Human Sex TraffickingChildren in the US are trafficked more than you might think. The average age of a girl who is used for sex is between the ages of 12 and 14. However, there have been children as young as the age of two. This industry is so prevalent and right under our noses and it needs to be stopped. Jaco Booyens is a fighter to end sex trafficking ever since his own sister was trafficked. He then went on to direct and produce the film "8 Days" which documents a young girl going through this. He speaks all over the country to help raise awareness.Today Jaco joins us to talk about the upcoming SHARETogether Golf Classic on July 8, 2019. The classic aims to raise funds and partner with organizations who are fighting sex trafficking by raising public awareness, rescuing victims in slavery and helping to rehabilitate those who have been recused so that they can reintegrate into society. Jaco is passionate about empowering women and saving the young children all over the country who have been impacted.Dr. Nick Trout has a daughter who was born with Cystic Fibrosis. He wrote the book, "The Wonder of Lost Causes" which is a novel based on his own life story. Dr. Trout is a veterinarian and a devoted advocate for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. This book documents how a dogs love and loyalty can bring anyone out of the darkness. He talks openly about his own daughter and the beauty of a dogs love.Greta Burrough's writes for Well Being Journal and in this issue she writes about neurologic music therapy. This type of therapy has been shown to help those with neurologic disorders and diseases. It can help build motor skills that may have been lost from diseases like Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's, Cerebral Palsy, etc. And it can even help to bring memories back to people suffering with Alzheimer's disease. Music is so powerful, this just goes to prove that.


Anxiety and Workplace Burnout, ABC's of CBD #1035


Dr. Ian Smith - Condiments Snacking, Sam Morris - Road to Recovery #1033