Tina Bernet Allen - Struggling to Lose Weight, Mo Brossette - Facing Fear, and Rosalie Robinson Workplace Bias #1114
Facing Fear
Todays show is packed full of great stuff. We talk with Tina Bernet Allen about why you might be struggling losing weight, Mo Brossette talks about facing fear, and Rosalie Robinson talks about bias in the workplace.
Why am I not Losing Weight?
Tina Bernet Allen is one of Dallas' top female trainers. She talks with us today about some reasons you might be struggling to lose weight. Along with regular exercise, there are some things you need to consider in your routine. First, would be to make sure you are switching up your routine. If you feel that you are getting comfortable with your workouts, that's a sign that it's too easy and your body probably isn't changing much. Adding in high intensity exercise is a great way to mix up your workouts. Tina goes more in depth into all of this in this episode.
Facing Fear with Bern and Mo
Mo Brossette is an expert on human behavior, mindset, movement, and nutrition. He is also a Keynote Speaker on Fear and Human Potential. We continue with part 2 of Facing Fear with Bern and Mo today. Mo says you have to turn your fear into fire. Fear is just another tool in your tool belt if you utilize it correctly instead of avoiding it. Mo tells us how fear can be instrumental to helping you reach your goals. So don't miss this series!
Bias in the Workplace
Rosalie Robinson is a Human Resources expert. Today she joins us to talk about different types of bias and how they affect recruiting efforts. Understanding bias is the first step to making sure your company is not employed based off of biased beliefs and opinions. Having a diverse work culture can be the most valuable thing to a business. Different values, political views, and different backgrounds are the best way to invite change and creativity to your workplace environment. If the employees are all fitting one type of mold, one - that is unfair and wrong, and two - that will hold you back from innovation and change. Listen in to hear all of Rosalie's tips.