Dr. Isaac Motamarry - Questions to Ask Your Surgeon, Mary Holland - Vaccine Passports #1471

Vaccine Passports, Questions To Ask Your Surgeon


Mary Holland, from The Children’s Health Defense, is here to talk about Vaccine Passports. Dr. Isaac Motamarry is here to tell us the questions we should ask our Doctors and Surgeons before and after surgery. It’s going to be a great show, so stick around!

Dr. Isaac Motamarry

Board Certified General Surgeon

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Dr. Isaac Motamarry completed his surgical training at Cleveland Clinic before completing an advanced fellowship in Bariatrics and Foregut surgery at University of Florida. He is a Board Certified General Surgeon, and has been practicing with North Florida Surgeons since 2014. Dr. Motamarry’s practice includes General Surgery with a special interest in Bariatrics, Gastroesophageal reflux disease, and Endocrine surgery. He completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Mary Washington while enlisted as active duty in the US Navy, and  received his medical degree from Ross University School of Medicine.  

Questions to Ask Before & After Surgery

Ask your doctor ‘Why do I need this surgery?” It may seem like a simple question, but surgery is not always the first answer to an illness or injury. Dr. Isaac Motamarry says that it is important to get a second opinion, and most doctors have high rapport with other doctors, so most doctors are open to sending you to someone else for a second opinion. Bernadette asks about people watching surgeries before they had the surgery, Dr. Motamarry says that some people love seeing what is going to happen to them, and some people have no interest in seeing what is going to happen to them. The general rule regarding food is do not eat 24 hours before your surgery, and no water 12 hours before. Dr. Isaac is great, because he is okay with patients taking supplements prior to surgery. As far as medications go, it all depends on the medication. Be transparent with your doctor and surgeons. Honesty is the best policy.

Once you’ve met the doctor and feel comfortable asking, every patient should ask “how many of these surgeries have you done?” Etc. Always ask what to expect after so patients can prepare for their pain protocol. As long as you have a healthy discussion with your surgeon, you will be happy in the long run. Dr. Motamarry talks about constipation before and after post operation. Whether it’s laxatives or prune juice, Dr. Motamarry tries to steer away from narcotics as much as possible, and steers more towards high dosage Tylenol instead. 

Mary Holland

Children’s Health Defense

Mary Holland serves as President and General Counsel of Children’s Health Defense. She left the faculty of the New York University School of Law where she served for 17 years, most recently directing its Graduate Lawyering Program. Mary received her Master of Arts and Juris Doctor Degrees from Columbia University, and her undergraduate degree from Harvard. She has worked in international public and private law. Mary is the co-author of “Vaccine Epidemic” and “The HPV Vaccine on Trial: Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed”.

Photo by Louis Hansel @shotsoflouis on Unsplash

Vaccine Passports

The Biden administration and private companies are working to develop vaccine passports that would allow Americans to prove they’ve been vaccinated against COVID as the country opens, The Washington Post reported Sunday. The initiative, driven largely by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, has gained momentum as a growing number of companies and venues — from movie theaters, restaurants and music venues to cruise lines and sports teams — have said they will require proof of vaccination before opening their doors. The passports are expected to be free and available through smartphone apps, which would display a scannable code similar to an airline boarding pass. Americans without smartphone access would be able to print out the passports, developers have said. Mary thinks this is a terrible idea. It eradicates the idea of privacy, Mary states you will be losing your autonomy rights to your own body. Also, this is discriminatory to those who do not have smartphones to generate a QR code, or those who choose not to vaccinate themselves due to personal rights and reasons. 

The government is censoring anything that is going against the pro-vaccine agenda. The reach via social media for Mary Holland has been extremely thwarted. Things like obscenity and child pornography are obviously harmful and need to be removed, but a simple conversation about vaccines being more censored than violence and obscenities is absurd. The time is now. This is a global problem. Leaders from all over the world have decided that full vaccination of the population is the only option. Other countries are racing ahead with their own passport plans, with the European Union pledging to release digital certificates that would allow for summer travel, according to the Washington Post. On March 23, The Defender reported that the European Union was set to vote on a vaccination travel digital certificate, “Green Passport,” which would provide proof of vaccination and negative COVID test. We are losing our bodily autonomy slowly, as it unfolds right in front of our eyes.

A Big Thank You!

Thank you to todays guests, Dr. Isaac Motamarry and Mary Holland!

To read more about Dr. Motamarry, click here!

To donate to the Children’s Health Defense, click here!


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