The 5G Network and Plant-Based Lifestyle #1158
Plant-Based Lifestyle
Today we talk with Dr. Debra Greene about the 5G network, and with Gabrielle Reyes about a plant-based lifestyle.
5G Network: What You Can Do to Protect Yourself
Dr. Debra Greene, PhD, is a mind-body medicine specialist and frequently quoted expert in the fields of energy medicine and energy psychology. We are continuing a series with her about the 5G network dangers and how to best protect yourself. Most of us don't think too much about what radiofrequency radiation (RFR) from our devices is doing to our bodies. Mainly because, we can't see it. We can't see the radiation coming from the cell towers, through building walls, and through us. Kind of scary, huh?Dr. Greene begins by explaining to us exactly what 5G is and means, and what the potential negative health effects are. It can be a little intimidating because the verbiage is a complex to learn. We aren't rocket scientists, so we try to break it down for you. Then, Dr. Greene gives us some of her easy and practical tips to protect yourself and the ones you love.
A Plant-Based Lifestyle
Gabrielle Reyes is an actress, singer, veggie-lover, and serious afro-grower! She's been vegan for about 8 years, and started her own company, One Great Vegan. One Great Vegan is a plant-based cooking class, catering company, and cooking show host helping you take the right steps towards a healthy, vegan lifestyle. Today we talk all about a plant-based lifestyle and what the transition looks like.Gabrielle has so many amazing recipes that are easy and extremely flavorful, which can ease those hesitant eaters. She talks about her personal transition going plant-based and what that looked like for her. Then she talks about how she started her business and started exploring more with vegan food. The switch from whatever diet you are on to a plant-based lifestyle can be smooth and delicious, especially with the help of Gabrielle.