The Plastic Crisis, Dr. Al's Cancer Update, Medical Marijuana For Autism #988

plastic crisis

Dr. Alvin Danenberg was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer and we have been following his progress. He decided to go with an alternative treatment plan instead of chemotherapy and radiation. Danenberg's treatment plan consists of a specific diet, infrared therapy, supplements, and more. His oncologist has been impressed with the improvements he has made and is following along with Dr. Al's treatment to see the outcome. He faced a setback in March and he is updating us on how he's feeling and what's to come in the future.

We talk with Amylou Fawell, founder for the organization MAMMA (Mothers Advocating Medical Marijuana for Autism) about her son Jack. Jack is on the Autism Spectrum and their family was struggling finding relief for him. She tells how medical marijuana changed everything for Jack and their whole family. MAMMA fights for the laws to be changed here in Texas when it comes to Autism and medical marijuana. If you're someone with an eligible medical condition, you may be able to apply for texas marijuana cards in order to access the drug for treatment. Medical marijuana is becoming legal in more and more states for medical use, and there are online dispensaries popping up all over the net, such as old 27 lansing. You may want to check that you are in an eligible state if you are looking for some relief via marijuana.

Alison Main wrote an article in Paleo Magazine on the plastic crisis and some of the reasons why plastic is so terrible for us and for our earth. She talks about BPA and what it really is and how damaging it is to our health. The plastic crisis is real and we all need to do our part to limit the amount of plastic in the environment. Paleo Magazine is a long-time partner of One Life Radio. Check out info on Paleo Magazine on our sponsors page!


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