Cassie Bjork - Top Supplements For Energy and Jonny Bowden - The Most Effective Ways to Live Longer #964
Energy Supplements
Cassie Bjork is our girl when it comes to the newest and the best information when it comes to supplemental health and fitness. She gives us her top 5 suggestions to boost your energy. Supplements are tricky, you have to be so careful when choosing supplements and knowing what will work for you. Also, the supplement industry is not regulated very well, therefore there are a lot of shi**y supplements out there. Listen in to hear Cassie's top 5 to help you get through your day!
Jonny Bowden just released the newest revision of his book "The Most Effective Ways to Live Longer" which goes into so many sectors of health and longevity. You would never guess that Jonny is 70 years old by the way he has kept up with his health. If you want to age gracefully and look as healthy as Jonny does, you need this book!