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<a href="">Andreas Bachmair</a> - Censorship of Vaccine Choice Organizations and Jackie Schlegel - Vaccine Free Living #1080

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Andreas Bachmair and Jackie Schlegel

The topic of vaccine free living is becoming one of the most talked about topics in the community. This is completely understandable with all the new vaccine injury reports on the rise. With all these reports coming in, why are we still being told by the media and medical community that vaccine studies are "settled"?

On the show today we have Andreas Bachmair talking about vaccine free living. His journey with the study of vaccines started about 30 years ago after he was bit by a dog. While he was getting his bite checked out he insisted on getting the rabies shot as a safety precaution, resulting in him developing type 1 diabetes. This peaked Andreas interest to change his field of study from Business Administration to Homeopathy shortly after. He comes on the show today to share his experience and valuable information on vaccines and their effects on humans.We also have Jackie Schlegel in studio with us today. Jackie is a very influential leader for the vaccine fight here in Texas. She is the creator of one of the largest vaccine activist groups, Texans for Vaccine Choice. Jackie joins us today to talk about all the new vaccine censorship that is now across most search engine platforms including all social media.