Jackie Schlegel - Vaccines, Zen Honeycutt - Glyphosates #1264
Glyphosate on One Life Radio
Today we're talking to two of the leaders in the fight for vaccine choice and overall human rights. We decide what goes in our body, not the government. Jackie Schlegel of Texans for Vaccine Choice joins us along with Zen Honeycutt of Moms Across America. Schlegel's concern is the vulnerability of some exemption laws, and Honeycutt warns us of the dangers of glyphosate in vaccines and foods.
Texans for Vaccine Choice
Jackie and TFVC are putting out an action alert regarding the exemption laws for students. The language of the law pertaining to the exclusion of students with vaccine exemptions is vague. So, students with exemptions may be excluded during a time of declared emergency. For example, any exclusion of students with an exemption on file has included only those students with exemptions for a particular vaccine during an outbreak of a disease addressed by the exempted vaccine. So, if an outbreak of chickenpox occurs on a campus, only those students on that campus with exemptions for the chickenpox vaccine are asked to stay home.Schlegel says TFVC is concerned that the legislative intent of the law could be ignored by schools taking advantage of the statute’s vagueness. They may use it to exclude students with exemptions for any vaccine because of the declared emergency, even though a vaccine relevant to the Covid-19 emergency does not yet exist. Weeks ago, in anticipation of this potential threat, TFVC asked Rep. James White to submit an official Attorney General Opinion Request to ask the questions about the legality of this scenario.
Moms Across America and Glyphosate
Zen Honeycutt of Moms Across America is concerned about glyphosate in vaccines and foods. Recent law revisions are allowing food companies to change their ingredients without listing the changes on the labels. This could lead to problems with allergic reactions due to mislabeling. Glyphosate is found in many foods and some vaccines today. It has been linked to liver disease, birth defects, reproductive problems. It may also kill beneficial gut bacteria and damage the DNA in human embryonic, placental and umbilical cord cells. We as Americans need to stand up for our rights to healthy foods and medicines, including vaccines.Please help both of these groups and stand up to corruption from Big Pharma and Big Food. Visit momsacrossamerica.org to view a video on glyphosate and texansforvaccinechoice.com and join the fight to keep vaccines a choice and not a mandate.