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Wanda Means - Eliminating the Stigma of Sexual Abuse #1137

Wanda MeansIn today's episode we talk with Wanda Means, a sexual assault survivor, author, and inspirational leader. And we talk with Tina Bernet about the best exercises and benefits to a strong core.

Wanda Means: Eliminating the Stigma of Sexual Abuse

Wanda Means is the author The Shelf Life of a Secret. She was sexually molested by her step-father as a teen and after two years of abuse, she told her mother. But, instead of believing her, she defended him. This trauma has been with Wanda her whole life. Today we talk with her about how sexual abuse happens in so many families and is easily over-looked. Wanda Means is a survivor and is continuing in her everyday work to being awareness to this issue.We also talk with Wanda about what contributes to such a large amount of sexual assault in today's world. A main culprit being the easy access to pornography. Children are being over sexualized at extremely early ages. Wanda talks about her experience as a young girl, and the work she is doing on herself day-to-day to heal from this past trauma. If you want to buy the book or hear more about Wanda Means, visit her website.

Tina Bernet Allen - Core Exercises and Strength

Tina Bernet Allen is a top female personal trainer in the DFW area. Today she talks with us specifically about the core. Exercise and nutrition both play roles in our appearance and our physique. But, there is good science out there that shows how the core strength is related to almost all the other functions our body does. Tina explains how our core muscles all work together with other muscles.This means, if our core is not strong then most likely we are not doing exercises correctly and our other muscle groups are being compromised. So a strong core is ESSENTIAL for all over body strength. Tina gives us good exercise tips to strengthen our core, and they do not include crunches or sit-ups.