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Dr. Art Markman - Why We Worry More About Others and Von Eaglin - When is Your Relationship Over? #1156

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Today we talk with Dr. Art Markman about why we tend to worry more about others than ourselves. Then, we talk with Von Eaglin about how to know when you should bail out of a relationship.

Why We Worry About Others More Than Ourselves

Dr. Art Markman is the guy to go to when you want to know what is going on in your head. Today he talks with us about why we tend to worry more about others than ourselves. When it comes to our own safety and well-being, we sometimes put it on the back burner. However, our family members, significant others, and people we love dearly, we can put more worry and fear into their safety and well-being. Why is this?Dr. Markman talks about the psychology that goes on in our brains when we feel that worry toward our loved ones. The anxiety and worry we feel for others is far greater than for ourselves, and you can read all about the science in his article here.

  • Art Markman, Ph.D., is Annabel Irion Worsham Centennial Professor of Psychology and Marketing at the University of Texas at Austin.

When Is It Time to Bail Out of a Relationship?

Von Eaglin is a licensed professional counselor and a certified couple relationships trainer. He joins us today to talk about how to know when it is time to get out of a relationship. This is a relatable subject for most couples, because life is full of its ups and downs. Including our relationships. There will be extremely great times, along with huge pitfalls. But, knowing when your relationship is not working anymore can be difficult.Von talks with us about some of the absolute signs to knowing your relationship might not be savable. He also tells us what the signs are that your relationship has promise and passion. Both parties in the relationship are responsible for the happiness and success of that relationship. So without playing the blame-game, and owning your faults can be helpful. But getting out of a toxic and unhealthy relationship might be the answer at the end of the day.