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Wireless Radiation Safety Proofing & Making New Habits #1176

Wireless RadiationOn today's show we talk with Dr. Debra Greene about how to safety proof your computer from wireless radiation. Then we talk with Dr. Mike McFarland about how to make new habits.

Wireless Radiation & How to Safety Proof Your Devices

We have been speaking with Dr. Debra Greene over the course of a few months about the negative effects of the 5G network, and today we talk about how to safety proof your devices from wireless radiation. Debra Greene, PhD, is a mind-body medicine specialist and frequently quoted expert in the fields of energy medicine and energy psychology. Wireless radiation comes from all of our devices, especially when they are operating off of a wifi network. Most of us use the wifi in our homes to work on our laptops or to browse on our cellphones and tablets. We do this without even a thought about the wireless radiation being emitted into the air and ultimately into our bodies.Dr. Greene talks with us about exactly how this happens, and how it can impact you and the other members in your home. Then, she gives us some seriously practical and easy ways to lower the amount of radiation from your devices. These are simple things like turning your phone on airplane mode while you sleep, using an ethernet cord instead of wifi, and more.Connect with Dr. Greene

Making NEW Habits

Dr. Mike McFarland joins us to talk all about habits. We all have habits; some good and some bad. A lot of times when we try and quit one habit, we pick up another. Dr. Mike McFarland is a counseling psychologist who provides individual, couple, group, and family therapy services to pre-adolescents, adolescents, and adults. He talks with us about why we pick up certain habits, how to best break them, and how to make new and healthy habits.Connect with Dr. Mike