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Tina Bernet Allen - Workout Wednesday and <a href="">Mo Brossette</a> - Mindset and Self-Talk #1182

Mindset and Self Talk

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Tina Bernet Allen and Mo Brossette

Today we talk with Tina Bernet Allen about the benefits of doing both strength training and cardio. Then we talk with Mo Brossette about mindset and self-talk.

Workout Wednesday with Tina Bernet Allen

Tina Bernet Allen is one of the top personal trainers in the DFW area, and has been in the fitness industry for over 30 years. Most of us believe that a great way to lose weight is by adding in cardio. This is true, to an extent. Cardio is great for getting your heart rate up and building your endurance, but doing cardio on it's own will not give you the weight-loss goals you are most likely looking for. Tina talks with us about a new study that was done where they combined cardio and strength training. The findings show just how important it is to do some sort of strength/weight training. Listen to Tina's segment to hear more about this.

Mindset and Positive Self-Talk with Mo Brossette

Mo Brossette is an expert on human behavior, mindset, movement, and nutrition and has been in the health and fitness industry for 24 years. Today we talk with him about self talk, intention, and negation. A negation is a negative word like: can't, try, maybe, won't, etc. These words set the tone for whatever it is you are talking about.For example, if you are setting a goal you wouldn't say, "I'm going to try not to eat sugar this week."Rather you would say, "I'm not going to eat sugar this week."This makes the goal definitive. You know exactly what you need to do and you have defined your intention. There are a lot of words that we use on a daily basis that might be hindering our full potential. This is a great topic, and it goes right in line with being healthy and exercising regularly as well.