Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D. - Your Baby, Your Way, Jackie Schlegel - Texans for Vaccine Choice #1170

Today on One Life Radio we talk with Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D., about her book, Your Baby, Your Way. Then, Jackie Schlegel joins us to give us a Texans for Vaccine Choice update.

Your Baby, Your Way

When it comes to life changes like pregnancy and raising children, no single book or documentary can fully prepare you. Women's bodies change, undergo an extreme procedure (childbirth) and then it is all about that baby. Jennifer Margulis joins us today to talk about some of the common practice things that happen in the medical industry every single day to vulnerable women and their children. We talk with her about where to start when you find out you are pregnant and some of the red flags that your doctor may not have your best interest. Her book, Your Baby, Your Way, is a great tool for soon-to-be or current parents.It's time we take back control of the health of ourselves and our children.

***Hear our interview with Del Bigtree here.***

Texans for Vaccine Choice Update

Jackie Schlegel is a mother, advocate, and powerhouse spirit. She was a mother who trusted the doctors, which left her with a permanently disabled daughter due to vaccine injury. Now she fights for the freedom of parents along with hundreds of others who have the same story. Today she updates us on some of the current legislature and victories of TFVC.

  • Jackie Schlegel is the founder and director for the group, Texans for Vaccine Choice. Texans for Vaccine Choice is a political action committee dedicated to protecting vaccine choice rights by ensuring the issue remains at the forefront of political discourse, promoting incumbents and candidates who strongly support our values, and drafting legislation to further solidify these rights.


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