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Your Gut Health is Running It!

Your gut, your gut, your gut, that seems to be the focus of so much new research being done in the scientific world recently. Having a Healthy Gut is important as it builds a stronger immune system and beneficial to your overall well-being. It’ s like the new frontier in the study of the human spieces.This past Wednesday, Ryan Lowery, PhD student at Concordia University and President of the Applied Science and Performance institute spoke about the importance of taking care of your microbiome, and the latest research. We covered an article from Psychology Today which gave some great information about keeping your microbiome healthy!

Researchers are beginning to understand a hidden factor in the equation: the human microbiome. Your digestive tract is home to a huge population of microorganisms that help you digest your food and extract nutrients. Normally, there is a balance of a number of different “gut bugs.” But if the proportions become imbalanced, you can develop a number of health problems.•Use antibiotics sparingly. Talk with your doctor about ways to avoid unnecessary use of antibiotics. For example, they will not cure the common cold or other conditions caused by viruses.•Take a probiotic supplement. These can help restore a healthy balance of gut flora. Use a product that has live microorganisms and a mix of different bacteria and yeast, including Lactobacillus GG, Saccharomyces boulardii, and Bifidobacteria. (Ryan and I both recommended three of the top probiotics in our and Shawn Wells’ opinion presently available as a supplement and as a replacement for antibiotics.  They are Bio Kult from the UK, Elixa also from the UK, and Prescript Assist made in Austin, Texas.)•Eat prebiotic foods. Prebiotics are nondigestible carbohydrates (usually soluble food fibers) that act as food for probiotics. The best sources of soluble food fibers are chicoryroot, wild yams, other root vegetables, jicama, agave, whole grains, bananas, onions, garlic, and artichokes. You can also buy prebiotics in supplement form.•Manage your stress. You already know that daily hassles can affect your weight when they make you want to eat to soothe yourself. But stress can also change the balance of intestinal bacteria. Practicing relaxation techniques like visualization or mindfulness meditation can help.
Relaxation is so critical to good health. My mind goes back to the first time I floated in a sensory deprivation tank and how incredible the experience was.  I had never in my life experienced the euphoric feelings I had. I had never felt that peaceful in my life, nor had I ever felt such intense happiness ever.Ryan Lowery also discussed the importance of eating foods rich in fiber, prebiotics, probiotics and resistance starch. The link below is a good read and worth your time to better understand food and it’s incredible power to heal the body.  As Hippocrates once said…”Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”So eat a green banana, with some cooled mashed potatoes or some sushi and get some resistance starch in the process. Here is your resistant starch 101!Eat well my friends!XO-Bernadette