Dr. Jonny Bowden - Cholesterol and Dr. Will Tuttle - Dairy Consumption #1292
photo with both of our guests
Happy Hump Day!
Renaldo and Bernadette are here to tell us that stress can really affect our entire psyche. Ronaldo and Bernadette agree that you need a good balance of male and female friends to feel fulfilled.
Dr. Jonny Bowden
Dr Jonny Bowden is on the line! Dr. Jonny earned six certifications in personal training and fitness. Jonny Bowden is known as "The Nutrition Myth Buster" and is a nationally known expert on weight loss and health. He is the best-selling author of 15 books, including "The Great Cholesterol Myth" and "The Most Effective Ways to Live Longer". Dr. Bowden has a Masters degree in psychology, a PhD in holistic nutrition, and is board certified by the American College of Nutrition. His books include "Living Low Carb", "Smart Fat", "The Great Cholesterol Myth." Check out Dr. Jonny Bowden's website here.
Dr. Bowden says that there is something that we can all do to curb the coronavirus. Everyone worries about cholesterol and covid, but never looks to connect the two! Predisposed symptoms from obesity and diabetes are in both cholesterol problems and COVID-19. All these conditions responds to diet! Make that dietary change and make that change to a high fat diet. Low carb higher fat intake is the way to go. Don’t fret when you hear the words high fat. There are good fats out there too! Avocados, nuts, good oils, and some kinds of fish!Doctors are not helping us understand colesterol. The old colesterol tests should be gone! The tests in the 60’s compared to tests now are like still using a flip phone! We now know that it was been documented that there are 13 kinds of colesterol (good and bad) yet the old tests that we still use only test for one kind!Flirt with ketosis. High fat low carb, you may not be in entire ketosis, but you can lose weight and heal your metabolism. So let’s ask the penultimate question. Is there a connection between colesterol and covid? There is a connection through diet! We are in an obesity epidemic. We should be worried about changing our diet instead of reducing our cholesterol. Bernadette inquires if low cholesterol has something to do with higher suicide rates and mental health issues. Dr. Jonny says the fatigue plays a big role in mental health and overall general health. If you don’t sleep well, your brain and immune system can become compromised. Now is the time to get on a lower carb and lower processed food diet!
Dr. Will Tuttle
Dr. Will Tuttle is here! Dr. Tuttle is the author of the #1 Amazon best-selling book "The World Peace Diet", as well as his most recent book, Your Inner Islands: The Keys to Intuitive Living. He is the editor of Circles of Compassion: Essays Connecting Issues of Justice and the newly-released Buddhism and Veganism: Essays Connecting Spiritual Awakening and Animal Liberation. Dr. Tuttle is the recipient of both the Courage of Conscience Award and the Empty Cages Prize. He is a former Zen monk and Dharma Master in the Zen tradition. Dr. Tuttle Is also a gifted musician and concert pianist.
Dairy Consumption
Today we are discussing how we inherit our food choices. It is a wounding experience to take animals for granted and eat their flesh. We are indoctrinated from our parents ideas on what to eat and how to eat from the time we are children. Humans are ritualistic creatures and we have many rituals surrounding food. We are eating beliefs and narratives. If we are eating a narrative of domination and exploitation, to change the narrative we must change our plate. Binging on meat is an obsolete holdover from an earlier time. We have the resources now to eat plant based and rely less on animals.We eat so much dairy as Americans! Milk contains so many toxins. Dr. Will says that milk is addicting. Cows are mammals, and their milk has a morphine like substance in it. When digested, milk becomes addicting in a similar way we get addicted to nicotine because of casomorphins. Growth hormones in milk allow us to gain weight at the rate of calfs. Many forms of cancer are directly correlated with hormones in milk. When we consume dairy with an already compromised system, we are essentially throwing fuel on the fire.We must teach our children about food choices when they are young and lead them by example. Our bodies are formed by the foods that were eating, so as a child it is imperative to eat a solid diet. Children’s bodies are much more delicate than adult bodies. Children eat whatever they’re given, so let’s only give them the good stuff. Let children learn where food comes from and let them be a part of the process. Kids are disconnected, so connect them. Take them to an animal sanctuary to make that connection between cute, cuddly animals, and the meat.
Thank You!
A big thank you to our guests, Dr. Will Tuttle and Dr. Jonny Bowden. We couldn't do the show without your knowledge!Thank you to all of our One Life Radio listeners. We truly appreciate each and every one of you, so If you’d like to hear more from One Life Radio, please subscribe to our podcast.If you have any hot ideas or burning questions, email us at info@oneliferadio.com. Bernadette loves hearing from listeners.And, last but never least, thank you to our sponsors. We couldn’t do the show without you; Crazy Water, Sunwarrior, Enviromedica, STS Health, VEGWORLD Magazine, Castor & Pollux, Paleo Magazine, the Well Being Journal and the ISSN. Visit our sponsor page for some great offers just for One Life Radio listeners!