Robin Perry Braun - Quantum Physics and Von Eaglin - Cheating #1293

Happy Thursday!

Happy Thursday from everyone here at One Life Radio! It's psychology day! We sure are ready for the weekend! Bernadette talks about her crazy dog-filled house and the importance of having strong muscles while having so many animals. You never know when you need to be nimble, so here's the reminder you need to work out and keep yourself strong!

Robin Perry Braun

Robin talks about her new book, "Thrive." Robin wrote new new book after years in a marriage with sex addiction while she struggled with eating disorders. "Thrive" is a personal journey of finding answers for herself turned into a book to help everyone. Bernadette asks if sex additions are harder to overcome than other addictions like alcohol. Food and Sex addictions are different than alcohol and drug addictions. Food and Sex addictions are more complex because they are not black and white and not simply a substance. Bernadette says that alcohol seems the hardest addiction to overcome because it is everywhere.Robin believes in quantum energy, so energy comes from everything. Robin says that using this, she can be with her thoughts all day and work on herself. Bernadette asks if you have to be Christian to benefit from her book and learn from The Law Of Attraction. Robin urges non-Christians to open their minds and that there are benefits for gnostic and agnostic people alike.Collective consciousness is about getting a large enough number of people to focus on one thing, we can manifest our wants. Without getting into the sciences behind it, Robin explains quantum physics.

Von Eaglin and Cheating

Von Eaglin is here and is doing great as a new dad! Bernadette asks the penultimate question, why do people cheat? Cheating is a violation of trust. Cheating is sexual or emotional intimacy outside of the relationship with two partners. There is some subjectivity to this, but Von draws the line in the dirt saying that cheating is violating trust. Women are actually cheating more than men nowadays. With social media more accessible, this is one of the driving factors in that violation of trust. Our identity is challenged when people cheat. When people get betrayed, PTSD is even a possibility.There are a few kinds of cheating. Opportunistic cheating means cheating because the opportunity presents itself. The obligatory cheater tries to refuse the sexual advances from someone, but will sometimes go ahead and cheat because they feel an expectation.  Romantic cheating is when someone cheats because they feel swept up in romantic antics and actions. There is a difference between just a cheater, and a compulsive cheater. Gaslighting makes you question your own reality. Click here to read more about gaslighting and when to point it out.Bernadette asks if sex addiction and cheating are related. Is sex addiction an excuse for cheating? Von Eaglin says NO! Sex addiction is like every other addiction, and like drug and alcohol dependencies, we can relapse.

Thank You!

A big thank you to our guests, Robin Perry Braun and Von Eaglin. To read more about Von and his work, check out his website here. To read Robin's new book, "Thrive," click here.Thank you to all of our One Life Radio listeners. We truly appreciate each and every one of you, so If you’d like to hear more from One Life Radio, please subscribe to our podcast.If you have any hot ideas or burning questions, email us at Bernadette loves hearing from listeners.And, last but never least, thank you to our sponsors. We couldn’t do the show without you; Crazy Water, Sunwarrior, Enviromedica, STS Health, VEGWORLD Magazine, Castor & Pollux, Paleo Magazine, the Well Being Journal and the ISSN. Visit our sponsor page for some great offers just for One Life Radio listeners!


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