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Jason Harris - Originality and Autumn Connolly - Consciousness #1305

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Jason Harris and Autumn Warren Connolly

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday from team OLR! We had a relaxing weekend! Renaldo and his furry feline friend enjoyed the treats that Castor & Pollux gave to team OLR! Bernadette is talking about PetCube! We love PetCube in the One Life Radio Family! To purchase and read more, click here! We love the "PetCube Bites 2." With that, we are so excited for resident Earth Mama Autumn Warren Connolly and Best Selling Author and Master of Originality, Jason Harris to be here today!

Autumn Warren Connolly

Autumn Connolly lives in the sky islands of Arizona with her three kiddos and animal babies. She is the creator of Anvil Traditional Healing, a company dedicated to restoring microbiome health through diet. Follow on Instagram @AnvilTraditionalHealing. Autumn is also a self-taught vegan chef, a serial gardener and an avid believer in, and teacher of, the healing powers of meditation. Contact her at:

Getting In Sync With Yourself

As an Earth Mama, Autumn epitomizes all that is from the earth. Getting in sync with the earth means to dissolve the boundaries and barriers with the other things that differentiate us from fawn and flora. That makes life confusing. We feel more connected with life when we are one with ourself, but with the earth too. Dove season is coming up and it breaks Bernadette's heart. Autumn says that the separation between us and animal life promotes our ego. Unfortunately, ego is not the way to find your happiness. Ego is diversion. Autumn and Bernadette feel sorry for the people that feel the need to kill doves, but at the same time, we have to be mindful of our own situations. We must let others find their own path, as hard as it may be.


The benefits of simply saying "om" are vibrational frequencies. One of the benefits of chanting the word "om," is that just chanting"om" is the same frequency that the earth and the trees gives off. "Om" or "Aum" is a sacred sound and a spiritual symbol in Indian religions. It signifies the essence of the ultimate reality, consciousness. When you start vibrating at the same frequencies as the things around you, it allows your life to have less roadblocks. This isn't just woo woo, science has backed this up. Being one with nature makes days to day decisions a little bit easier. It your mind is a mess, your body is a mess. It is all connected.There are simply things that you can do to feel closet to the earth. Go barefoot more often! Autumn says being barefoot is almost like being stuck to the earth. Act like your walking on gum. Feel the energy of the earth pulling you down. Another one is to eat more root vegetables and vegetables in their natural and raw state. Leave some of the earths nutrients on your food, but still get the yuck off. Bernadette says to sun gaze! Sun-gazing is something that Autumn was into for awhile. Sun-gazing has even been studied by NASA! If you simply accept the beliefs that we are fueled by the sun, you can take advantage of the free medicine in the sky! To practice sun-gazing properly and safely, click here. Always be safe!

Jason Harris

Jason Harris is the Co-Founder & CEO of Mekanism, an award- winning creative advertising agency whose clients include Ben & Jerry’s, Peloton, OkCupid, Molson Coors and Alaska Airlines. Under his leadership, Mekanism was named to Ad Age’s Agency A-list and twice to their Best Places to Work. Mekanism was also named as one of Creativity’s Creativity 50.Harris has been named in the Top 10 Most Influential Social Impact Leaders, as well as in the 4A’s list of “100 People Who Make Advertising Great”. Jason’s national best-selling book, "The Soulful Art of Persuasion," highlights the 11 habits you need to become more authentically or soulfully persuasive.

Pt. 1 - Originality

Jason looked back at how he created success and found the principalities and four pillars that worked together. The first principal is the foundation for the other three. These four principals created success; Originality, Empathy, Generosity, and Soulfulness.  Today we are digging into originality, the first principal. Originality comes with practice. It doesn't happen overnight. Being yourself is the best thing you can do. One way to do that, write down early in your life your beliefs systems and principals. Understand what you stand for when you are young. Go back to your roots. It is hard for us to judge a situation that we have never experiences ourselves, so be understanding. It's so unfair to be judged by where you are at one certain time in your life, but instead being summed up and judged for all the actions throughout your whole life.

Story Telling

Another great way is to think about story telling. It's an art form! When you find a gregarious person in a room, you can guarantee that they have a great story to tell that will have people gravitate to them. Take your journal with you everywhere. Jason says that if you can just remember the start and finish of your story, you create the rest. Just deliver. Bernadette says to take the time to talk to random people! When simply telling a story, great things can come from it. Bernadette tells a story where she was validate beyond belief from simply talking to the fishmonger at Whole Foods! To end a story well, Jason says to think. Think about your audience and what you're trying to convey to them. If your goal is to brighten someone's day, work backwards and end it with what you're trying to convey.Bernadette and Jason agree that we learn at home. We learn story telling at home! Jason does five minute rap battles with is kids! While this seems a little silly, it creates original and creative content! By doing this with is kids, you're creating memories and breeding originality. Jason has three A's to storytelling. Awareness, analysis, and adaptation. Awareness is what you want people to pay attention to, what you want to convey. Analysis is how you're going to convey it and adaptation is how you're going to change the story as you're speaking to make it fit your audience. We are so excited for the next 3 installments of divulging the book "The Soulful Art of Persuasion" by Jason Harris. Keep coming back Jason!

Thank You!

A big thank you to our guests, Jason Harris and Autumn Warren Connolly. We enjoy each and every time that they join the airwaves with team OLR! To purchase Jason's book, "The Soulful Art Of Persuasion," click here! Find Jason Harris at his personal website, and Mekanism's website. You get one body, one mind, and one life, so BE ORIGINAL!Thank you to all of our One Life Radio listeners. We truly appreciate each and every one of you, so If you’d like to hear more from One Life Radio, please subscribe to our podcast.If you have any hot ideas or burning questions, email us at Bernadette loves hearing from listeners.And, last but never least, thank you to our sponsors. We couldn’t do the show without you; Crazy Water, Sunwarrior, Enviromedica, Flunada, VEGWORLD Magazine, Castor & Pollux, Paleo Magazine, the Well Being Journal and the ISSN. Visit our sponsor page for some great offers just for One Life Radio listeners!