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#1353, Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. Lori Whatley

dr. Neal barnard

Happy Thursday!

Junior is back and while we loved having Krystina, we love working with Junior! Boy it has been a stressful week, but we are hoping for the weekend! We have a great show today with Dr. Neal Barnard and Dr. Lori Whatley, so let's get started!

Dr. Neal Barnard

Dr. Barnard is president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, a faculty member of the George Washington University School of Medicine, and a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology. In 2016, he founded Barnard Medical Center in Washington, DC, to create a new model that integrates nutrition into conventional medical care.His federally funded diabetes research revolutionized the nutritional approaches to Type 2 Diabetes, and he now aims to empower readers with life-changing in- formation on hormones and health. His  latest book is “Your Body in Balance: The New Science of Foods, Hor- mones, and Health”.

Foods That Tackle Hormone-Related Issues

Bernadette asks which foods reek the most havoc on your hormones! If you are having hot flashes all day long, thyroid issues, weight fluctuations, or more, you have hormone issues! Estrogen, insulin, and others can misbehave and cause havoc. Get your food consumption in gear! Foods are central to the thyroid. Thyroid problems can be absolutely corrected by the foods that we eat. Before Morten salt started making their salt iodized, people were iodine deficient. Now, people are using sea salt and Himalayan salt, instead of iodized salt! You do not see iodine deficiency in Japan! Japan uses very iodine centric ingredients in a lot of their dishes. How interesting!Bernadette asks about men taking testosterone anti bringing out the worst in then. Bernadette says the person who she ran in to was all red and visibly angry. He had just started re-taking testosterone, and Bern could tell! Dr. Neal Barnard agrees with Bernadette, than testosterone should be used very rarely or barely at all.

Dr. Lori Whatley

Dr. Lori Whatley is a clinical psychologist and relational therapist who specializes in the effects of excessive digital device usage. Dr. Whatley has over 25 years of clinical experience and has specialized in digital device usage for the past 10 years. Her latest book “Connected & Engaged: How to Manage Digital Distractions and Reconnect with the World Around You” takes a look at the toll excessive digital device usage has on our lives—and what we can do about it.

How Do We Teach Our Children Morality When the Media Does the Opposite?

We have to be proactive on what our children are watching! Garbage in, Garbage out. Based on Dr. Lori Whatley's research, she has found that we need to be more careful on what we expose our children to! Bernadette points out that the artwork on dolls and toys for children are becoming more tasteless, and scantily clad. It is okay for you to not let Hollywood and designers to control your own set of ethics and morals. Dr. Lori says balance is significant in well being. Children need to learn how to interact in real life situations and how to talk to other humans and adults. When your child is behind a screen, they aren't learning how to effectively communicate.We need to teach our children to ask questions in order to raise smart children. Children need to know how to ask effective questions, in order to get proper answers. Bernadette asks about media being so political and the lack of difference between opinions and facts. Turn it off it it becomes too much for your own morals, it's okay!

Thank You!

A big thank you to our guests, Dr. Lori Whatley and Dr. Neal Barnard! Find and order Dr. Lori Whatley's book, "Connected & Engaged: How to Manage Digital Distractions and Reconnect with the World Around You," here! Find Dr. Neal Barnard at his website, here!Thank you to all of our One Life Radio listeners. We truly appreciate each and every one of you, so If you’d like to hear more from One Life Radio, please subscribe to our podcast.If you have any hot ideas or burning questions, email us at Bernadette loves hearing from listeners.And, last but never least, thank you to our sponsors. We couldn’t do the show without you; Crazy Water, Sunwarrior, Enviromedica, VEGWORLD Magazine, Castor & Pollux, Paleo Magazine, the Well Being Journal and the ISSN. Visit our sponsor page for some great offers just for One Life Radio listeners!