#1372, Tina Bernet Allen, Deborah Kesten, Nourishment

Deborah kesten, tina bernet allen

Happy Wednesday!

We have great show in store for you today! Fitness expert Tina Bernet Allen is here to discuss how to workout for your age. At the half, we have Deborah Keston talking about nourishment for your mind, body, and soul, so let's get started!

Tina Bernet Allen

Tina Bernet has a Bachelor’s of Kinesiology, she is a certified strength and conditioning specialist, she is certified in biomechanics, and she is part of the Aerobics & Fitness Association of America. She has been in the fitness industry for over 30 years, teaching cardiovascular classes at several of Dallas’ top studios and health clubs, as well as instructing and developing resistance training programs for individuals and groups in the gym and in the home. She has also been named the “Top Female Personal Trainer in DFW” by the Personal Trainers Hall of Fame.

Working Out For Your Age

Working out has changed so much over the decades! Tina reflects on how in the 80's, aerobics and just moving pretty vigorously was so big! Now, Tina is in her early 50's and she has started incorporating things like yoga and mobility exercises into her daily workouts. But, Tina says she should have started when she was in her 30's and 40's! You don't need to go hard every day. In your 20's you can get away with going hard daily with running and cardio. But when you hit your 30's, you can actually lose muscle mass from going so hard in your 20's! Strength training is so important. Start in your 30's.If you're in your 3o's, listen up! Do a mix of every kind of exercise. In your 30's you have a pretty fast recovery time, but do remember to do weight training. In your 40's, give yourself recovery time in between workouts. Nutrition is important too! Eat for your age! Make sure you are getting enough protein, because amino acids are a necessity for increasing muscle mass. Tina suggests go to a stadium, like a high school stadium and go up and down the bleacher stairs once a week!

Deborah Kesten

Deborah Kesten is an international nutrition researcher, award winning author and medical health writer. She specializes in in preventing and reversing obesity and heart disease. Kesten has published more than 400 nutrition and health articles. Her latest book, Whole Person Integrative Eating has been honored with the #1 gold, best-book award in the Health category by the Book Excellence Awards. She is a VIP Contributor at Arianna Huffington’s Thrive Global. Deborah is married to behavioral scientist and co-author of Whole Person Integrative Eating, Larry Scherwitz, Ph.D.

Nourishing Our Mind, Body, and Soul This Holiday Season

The paradigm-shifting, well-researched message in Whole Person Integrative Eating is that food influences not only the physical dimensions of health and healing, but also your emotional, spiritual, and social well-being. Whole Person Integrative Eating is based upon the way we are meant to eat! The ancient food wisdom approach to eating is what Whole Person Integrative Eating is. Whole Person Integrative Eating is based on the original meaning of “diet” back 2500 years ago with Hippocrates. Bring the attention to your mouth while you are eating. Appreciate that your food has life giving powers! Deborah Keston is the person to read about when wanting to eat for your whole self!

Thank You!

A big thank you to our guests, Tina Bernet Allen and Deborah Kesten! Read more about Deborah and her work here, so remember to enjoy your food.Thank you to all of our One Life Radio listeners. We truly appreciate each and every one of you, so If you’d like to hear more from One Life Radio, please subscribe to our podcast.If you have any hot ideas or burning questions, email us at info@oneliferadio.com. Bernadette loves hearing from listeners.And, last but never least, thank you to our sponsors. We couldn’t do the show without you; Crazy Water, Sunwarrior, Enviromedica, VEGWORLD Magazine, Castor & Pollux, Paleo Magazine, the Well Being Journal and the ISSN. Visit our sponsor page for some great offers just for One Life Radio listeners!


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