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#1373, Dr. Pedram Shojai, Dr. Lori Whatley, Divorce

dr. Pedram shojai, dr. Lori Whatley

Happy Thursday!

Happy Thursday! We have a great show in store for you today with Dr. Pedram Shojai and Dr. Lori Whatley! At the half, we have Dr. Lori Whatley talking about how divorce affects children. First up, we have Dr. Pedram Shojai discussing time management, so let's get started!

Dr. Pedram Shojai

Dr. Pedram Shojai Is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Master Herbalist and acupuncturist, better known as “The Urban Monk”. He is the New York Times best selling author of “The Urban Monk” and “The Art of Stopping Time” and also the founder of Dr. Shojai uses Eastern thinking and practices to help others overcome Westernized challenges of everyday life and live life to the fullest. His latest book, “FOCUS: Bringing Time, Energy and Money into Flow” is out now!.

The Urban Monk, Time Management

If you cant focus your mind on exactly where you want your energy to go, you will not be successful. If you cant hold the line, time will fly out of your pocket like giving $20 to a 6 year old in a candy store. People typically set themselves up to fail when they set goal that they have no real intention of completing or finishing. Intention is only half of the equation. Integrity starts with one's word. When you start breaking little promises, you are more likely to breaking big promises. Your word to yourself is gold. When you can match your word to your action, and follow through, that is when you start to become an effective human being.

"The Way a Person Does One Thing Is the Way They Do Everything." Looking for internal change through external stimuli is self destructive. You will never be able to change yourself if you put your spare energy into television, computers, and social media. Learn more about taking the 21 day FOCUS course, here!

Dr. Lori Whatley

Dr. Lori Whatley is a clinical psychologist and relational therapist who specializes in the effects of excessive digital device usage. Dr. Whatley has over 25 years of clinical experience and has specialized in digital device usage for the past 10 years. Her latest book “Connected & Engaged: How to Manage Digital Distractions and Reconnect with the World Around You” takes a look at the toll excessive digital device usage has on our lives—and what we can do about it

The Effects Of Divorce On Children

When it comes to divorce and children, there is research that supports that age does matter in children when their parents get divorced. We know around 10-11 years old is a very difficult time for children to process divorce or separation of their own parents. Children internalize comflict and separation, so if a parent is using their child as a pawn in the divorce, the parent is NOT healthy. Divorce is not the hardest part for the child, the conflict is the hardest part. A clinician or therapist is always necessary to a child going through a divorce. Talk to your children, but NEVER bash the other parent in front of the child. That can hurt the child the most. Open the avenue to talk about their feelings with your child. Make your home a safe space.

Thank You!

A big thank you to our guests, Dr. Pedram Shojai and Dr. Lori Whatley! Find and order Dr. Lori Whatley’s book, “Connected & Engaged: How to Manage Digital Distractions and Reconnect with the World Around You,” here! Order Dr. Pedram Shojai's new book, here!Thank you to all of our One Life Radio listeners. We truly appreciate each and every one of you, so If you’d like to hear more from One Life Radio, please subscribe to our podcast.If you have any hot ideas or burning questions, email us at Bernadette loves hearing from listeners.And, last but never least, thank you to our sponsors. We couldn’t do the show without you; Crazy Water, Sunwarrior, Enviromedica, VEGWORLD Magazine, Castor & Pollux, Paleo Magazine, the Well Being Journal and the ISSN. Visit our sponsor page for some great offers just for One Life Radio listeners!