#752 Apr 20th 2018 - Music & Pets - You Are What You Eat - Environmental Benefits of Sustainable Farming


Music & Pets

We humans have long understood the positive effects that different types of music have on our minds and emotions. Yet, we’ve only recently discovered that our pets can reap similar benefits from music as well! Maura Davies, VP of Communications at the SPCA of North Texas talks about the effects of music on pets.

You Are What You Eat

There is no doubt that chronic alcohol abuse, whether in the form of repeated binge drinking or daily excessive intake, leads to addiction and innumerable, serious health problems. Among the known complications is neurological injury, associ-ated with cognitive impairment, neurotransmitter imbalances, and brain atrophy in-volving both white and gray matter. But are there benefits? Dr. Mike Fenster talks about the pro's of raising a glass of wine.

Environmental Benefits of Sustainable Farming

bois d'arcTom Locke, co-owner of Bois D'arc Meat Co. talks about the environmental benefits of sustainable farming.


Max Lugavere - Genius Foods - Mantra Meditation #753 Apr 23rd, 2018


#751 Apr 19th 2018 - "Reducing Your Risk of Cancer: A Holistic Approach" - Goal Attainment: How to Get What We Want