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#765 May 9th 2018 - Training for Endurance Pt. 1 - Slowly is the New Speedy

Training for Endurance Pt. 1

Daniel Tague talks about training for endurance!training

  1. How do you train for endurance?a. Need to first define what type of endurance you want?i. Is it for runningii. Doing adventure racesiii. More muscle endurance in the gymb. Once you define that then we can move forward
  2. Say we are talking about doing a adventure racea. We then need to train for cardiovascular endurance and muscular enduranceb. HIIT is one of the best ways to train for cardiovascular endurancec. High rep exercise in the gym with body weight and bar bell bilateral exercised. If you have a week spot then train isolated joint bilateral or unilaterale. Then practice the optical you will have to do in the actual race as best you can
  3. 3. How long before the race should they start training?a. Depends on your fitness levelb. The sooner you start the bette

Slowly is the New Speedy

Rosalie Robinson talks about how slowly is the new speedy.

Today we rush around, multi-tasking, and believing we are uber productive. But what indicates
this approach is getting us the results we really want? We are going to debunk some basic
productivity myths to help listeners improve their quality of life in and out of the work place.