#768 May 14th 2018 - Anticancer Living - Are Vitamin Supplements REALLY Worth It?
Anticancer Living
Dr. Lorenzo Cohen and Alison Jefferies talk about their book "Anticancer Living: Transform Your Life & Health With The Mix of Six".
In your work together you use the term the “Mix of Six” for six lifestyle factors that you can change to reduce your risk of cancer and improve outcomes for those with cancer. Can you describe these factors?
You mention that social support is an important pillar of health missing from many lifestyle programs. Can you describe the importance of social support and how it is linked to the other lifestyle factors?
Assuming you have established a good support network, isn’t it good enough to have a healthy diet, exercise daily, and maintain a healthy weight?
Can you recommend some strategies to manage stress?
Modifying six different factors in your life seems like a lot of work. Do you have some simple suggestions in each area to get people started? How does this work when trying to support children to reduce their cancer risk
Are Vitamin Supplements REALLY Worth It?
Autumn Warren Connolly, creator of Ether Elixir talks about supplementation.
When we take supplements is there any benefit to them?a. Mostly NO!
Why are they ineffective?a. The body is not meant to absorb nutrients without including the food source – the metabolic process is just that, a process, it is not meant to simply be flooded with vitamins and expected to digest them the same way it would a whole food source.b. They often are in synthetic forms – or in too high of a concentration for the body to really work with.
Is there any reason to take them?a. Yes! If you are particularly deficient in a certain nutrient, then your body will actually seek it out and work extra hard to extract what it needs.
How would you suggest getting a vitamin boost?a. Whole juices, smoothies, veggie broths, microgreens.