#769 May 15th 2018 - Healing PCOS - 4 Stages of Processing


Healing PCOS

pcosAmy Medling talks about her book Healing PCOS: A 21-Day Plan for Reclaiming Your Health and Life with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.

  1. Please tell us about PCOS. What are the symptoms and why is it often undiagnosed or misdiagnosed? At what age are you likely to discover you have PCOS?
  2. How does PCOS affect the quality of life for women?
  3. What is the first step to treating PCOS?
  4. Once women adopt your plan in Healing PCOS, what changes are they likely to see?
  5. Although there is no cure for PCOS, women can dramatically improve their symptoms by adopting your six recommendations for self-care. Eating the right food is extremely important. Which foods should be avoided and which foods comprise the best diet for PCOS?
  6. What is the connection between insulin resistance and PCOS?

4 Stages of Processing

Robin Perry Braun talks about the 4 stages of processing.

  1. What are the four stages of processing?a. Unconscious incompetenceb. Conscious incompetencec. Conscious competenced. Unconscious competence
  2. Why is it important to go through these?
  3. How do we get to stage four in any area

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