Maura Davies - Black Dog Syndrome, Tara Mackey - WILD Habits, Shawn Wells - Longevity in Sardinia #786 June 8th, 2018

Black Dog Syndrome


black dog

Maura Davies, VP of Communications at the SPCA of North Texas talks about black dog syndrome!

WILD Habits: Unlock Your Mind, Improve Your Health, and Release Your True Power

Tara Mackey talks about her new book WILD Habits!

  1. Can you describe the WILD Method? How can we identify our unhealthy habits and create a plan to overcome them?

  2. Can you tell us about The Miracle of Your Mindset? What are some techniques for using your mind to live a healthier life?

  3. What are WILD Strategies?

  4. What’s a habit that you believe everyone should work toward?

  5. What habit has changed your life the most?

Longevity in Sardinia

Shawn Wells just got back from Sardinia, Italy - a coastal island known for old world, tight knit culture. He attended a conference there on longevity. Sardinia, along with Okinawa and some other locales are known to be Blue Zones. Shawn listened to several world-renowned speakers and wanted to pass along some of their knowledge they imparted to him.


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