#787 June 11th 2018 - The Benefits of Coconut Oil - Vitamin B3


The Benefits of Coconut Oil

coconutDr. Bruce Fife talks about the benefits of coconut oil!

  1. Coconut oil is high in saturated fat. Doesn’t it raise blood cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease?
  2. You call coconut oil a superfood. Why is that?
  3. What are some of the health benefits of coconut oil?

Vitamin B3

Karina Gordin talks about vitamin B3!

  1. What foods may you find Vitamin B3 in?
  2. What are some signs that you may be deficient in vitamin B3? What might this deficiency lead to?
  3. What are the side effects?
  4. Why is vitamin B3 important for cardiovascular support and maintaining healthy cholesterol levels?
  5. How can vitamin B3 help with wrinkles, fine lines, acne, uneven skin tone, and enlarged pores

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Maura Davies - Black Dog Syndrome, Tara Mackey - WILD Habits, Shawn Wells - Longevity in Sardinia #786 June 8th, 2018