#821 Aug 6th 2018 - "7 Ways You Can Betray Your Partner without Having an Actual Affair" - "How to Switch to Natural Deodorant"


7 Ways You Can Betray Your Partner without Having an Actual Affair

Sexual infidelity is an obvious betrayal in most relationships. However, the boundaries in other areas of the relationship are less black and white for most but equally damaging to the relationship. Today we’re going to talk with Debbie Campbell about some other ways couples often carelessly or unknowingly betray their relationships.

How to Switch to Natural Deodorant

Autumn Connolly, inventor of Ether Elixir gives us her best tips on how to switch to natural deodorant!

  1. What’s wrong with conventional deodorants/antiperspirants?
  2. Natural deodorants don’t seem to work - why not?
  3. Is there a way to get BO (body odor) stink out of clothes?
  4. Will a natural method leave me scent free?



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