6 BEVERAGES FOR A HEALTHY MIND AND BODYFROM OUR FRIENDS AT SUNWARRIORFeeling sluggish and mentally not on point? Our friends at Sunwarrior have some suggestions for us! Your body may be looking for a little liquid medicine to help you over the hump. When you think about it, an average adult needs approximately two liters of fluid per day. This daily average does not take into consideration additional medical conditions or exercise per day. With other body needs, we realistically need more than the basic daily guideline. Other than ingesting basic water (which we want to drink as much as possible—during exercise particularly) some other great choices are available. I know this can sound taxing to many, but it does not have to be! Here are my top 6 beverages for a healthy mind and body!1. Green Tea & Herbal TeaHerbal teas are a great way to restore Zen to your body. Herbal teas can also aid your body and mind with herbs and spices to help aid in digestion, sleep, brain fog, immunity, and energy. Drinking herbal teas throughout the day and into the evening is an easy and efficient way to purify your mind and body.2. Beet JuiceWith an abundance of antioxidants and naturally occurring nitrates, juicing and drinking this food means you are doing your body good. You are increasing blood flow throughout your body and enabling better brain focus and higher energy.3. KombuchaThis fermented tea is full of probiotics. Along with being able to help tummy digestion, and fight off unwanted yeast in the body, kombucha aids in mental clarity and mood stability as well. You can make your own, or buy this drink at your local grocery store.
4. Aloe. We know that aloe gel is a useful home remedy for external burns and moisturizing agents, but did you know that drinking aloe is just as powerful internally? Loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, aloe juice can be easily found in the grocery store and can be added to your daily routine to keep your body healthy and happy. It aids in boosting your immunity, helps blood circulation, and balances your metabolism. You can drink it alone or add to a smoothie.5. Smoothies. Looking for an easy way to incorporate a high amount of antioxidants and nutrients into your body? Smoothies can be your one-stop shop to energize, nourish, detoxify, and cleanse your body. Keeping your smoothie clean and fresh are your best options. You can make a fast and easy smoothie with Sunwarrior blends such as illumin8 or Warrior Blend.6. Lemon Water. Adding lemon to warm water is an effective tool towards aiding digestion and improving your immune system with an increase in vitamin C. Lemon water can kill a few pesky germs which will help with fresher breath as well.So there you have it, folks. Drinking healthy beverages is not so daunting after all. In fact, my choice of beverages spread throughout the day can be easy additions to your daily water routine. By keeping your fluid intake up throughout the day, you are keeping your mind and body alert and ready to take on the day! Remember, if you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated, and you begin to feel the effects through lack of concentration, and motivation. Keep yourself hydrated, happy, and alert!Happy Drinking!
Sunwarrior contributor
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