August 2nd- Foot Function - Dark Side of Diplomacy


Today we talk with trainer Daniel Tague about the importance of the foot and all the functions that go along with it. We also talk with Rosalie Robinson about the dark side of diplomacy.Daniel Tague is a ortho-kenetic specialist and personal trainer.Here is a Q&A about the foot with Daniel:Foot

  1. Why are the feet important to the overall function of the body?a. They are the first thing to hit the ground every time you take a step
    • Gate (Pronation Supination) loading un-loading
    • Eversion inversion/ loading un-loading of the foot
    • Eversion inversion of hind foot and mid foot
    • Balance

2. What makes up the foot?

a. 26 bones in the foot, 52 overall (one quarter of the bones in the human body)

1. 7 bulk, 5 metatarsals, 14 phalanx

2. hind foot 2 (talus and calcaneus), mid foot 10 (navicular, 3 cuneiforms, cuboid, 5 metatarsals), forefoot 14 (14 phalanx)

b. 33 joints (deff)

    • More than 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments.
  1. What happens when the feet arenโ€™t working right?
    • Compensation
    • Leads up the chain, effects everything
  1. How do you train the feet?
    • Calf raises (ankle extension/ plantar flexion)
    • Ankle extension with ankle inversion (supination/ un-loading)
    • Ankle flexion (dorsi flexion.)
    • Ankle flexion with ankle eversion (pronation/ loading)
    • 1 leg standing eversion inversion/ loading un-loading

August 3rd - Longevity Plan - Getting UnStuck


Aug 1st 2017 - Victim Mentality & When to Ask for Help