Brandon Hartsell

Brandon has been practicing yoga since October 1997 and began teaching in August 2000. He is a registered yoga teacher at the 500 hour level and an E-RYT 500 since 2006. He was certified in Bikram Yoga in November, 2000 and has taught in California, Australia, and India. Brandon played college basketball at the University of Dallas and professionally in Croatia and Germany. His success as an athlete has brought him broad exposure to many forms of physical fitness: weight lifting, running, cycling, spinning, rock climbing, aerobics, and martial arts. His passion for teaching began in college as a personal trainer and has culminated as an extension of his yoga practice.Brandon Hartsell is the founder and CEO of Sunstone Yoga. The Sunstone Yoga brand has 12 locations in Texas, and providing the best studios in the nation for practicing yoga under top quality certified instruction. He currently serves as the Chair of the Yoga Alliance.


Ricky Tran


For Skate For Prostate