For Skate For Prostate

Skate For ProstateKeith's mission: To raise awareness and money for the early detection of prostate cancer. 2012 I inline skated 395-miles across Colorado. 2013 will be TEXAS, 650 miles from OK to the Gulf (Nov 1 - 15).

  • Prostate Cance is the most common cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death in men.
  • It's not an old man's disease. Although the risk of prostate cancer increases with age, many men in their 50's, 40's and even 30's are being diagnosed with prostate cancer....and sometimes too late?
  • Nearly 34,000 men will die needlessly of prostate cancer.
  • 1 in 6 American men will get prostate cancer in their lifetime.
  • Prostate cancer is nearly 100% survivable if caught early.

Learn more about Keith


Brandon Hartsell


Jill Lane