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Child and Teen Suicide Risk, Why Therapy May Not Work #1024

Teen Suicide RisksSo many parents have these thoughts: "That would never happen to MY child," "I would be able to tell before it got that bad," "My child would definitely talk to me about what's going on." These are thoughts that parents have that get them into trouble when it comes to knowing the mental status of their kids. Dr. Mark Goulston is a suicide prevention specialist. He is also the co-creator of the documentary “Stay Alive: An Intimate Conversation about Suicide Prevention.” Today we talk about how important it is to listen to others. Listening, and really listening, can reveal quite a bit about what someone is really feeling.We also talk with Dr. Goulston about the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" narrative that too often parents and children participate in. When we put off our children, they will in turn put the parents off. Children and teens can feel like a burden, and the last thing they want to do is burden their parents even more. Dr. Mark Goulston offers his documentary "Stay Alive" here.Kip Watson joins us to talk about therapy. We are continuing a conversation from a few weeks ago. Kip is a licensed professional counselor and knows the ins and outs of therapy. Sometimes it can be the person receiving the therapy, or it can even be the therapist themselves. Kip answers some questions to help you understand how to get the best therapy possible and know reasons why it may not be working.