Dr. Art Markman - Generosity, Shawn Wells - Endocannabinoid System #978
Endocannabinoid System
Have you ever thought about what you would do with your money if you were to have an abundance? Would you donate it somewhere for a good cause? How much? Dr. Art Markman explains that it's not the dollar amount, it's the percentage to what you have. Most of the time, those with less will give a bigger percentage of their money away, even if it doesn't seem like a lot. And those with more money, give a smaller percentage even though they may think they are giving a large amount. It's an interesting phenomena and Dr. Markman explains how generosity and greed are all a part of our character. When money is involved our characteristics usually are enhanced, whether good or bad.
The Endocannabinoid system is not a new system, but it is kind of just now making itself known by experts. Shawn Wells explains what the endocannabinoid system is and why we need to feed it what it needs. Shockingly, they don't teach this in any type of medical school and it is a HUGE factor in overall wellness, according to Wells. CBD Oil is becoming the hottest item right now and there are so many products out there, which is why you might want to learn about CBD as much as you possibly can. Shawn and Bernadette talk about why it is so popular and how great it can be for your body. Shawn Wells is a long-time expert guest of One Life Radio. Learn more about Shawn here.