Dr. Gabriel Cousens - Vaccines and the Measles #976
Dr. Gabriel Cousens is a medical doctor, a Rabbi, an author, and a holistic physician among many other things. He is the founder of Tree of Life Foundation, and he is a dear friend of ours. We love his knowledge on spirituality and mindfulness, but today we talk about something a little bit more controversial and current. The measles is a hot topic right now, with outbreaks in different states across the country. Some are even declaring states of emergency. Dr. Cousens earned his M.D. from Columbia Medical School, and he breaks down scientific facts behind vaccines and their efficacy. The statistics are SHOCKING. Then he goes into the measles and how most cases of measles are actually people who are fully VACCINATED. Let that sink in. Let me just say this, you cannot miss this episode!
Next we have the beginnings of a story from a mother whose son was vaccine injured at 18 months old. He was a happy healthy boy, until he received his DTP vaccine and began to decline. He is diagnosed with severe autism. For almost 10 years she has been using marijuana to help with his violent and aggressive behaviors. She is active with the organization Texans For Vaccine Choice and Jackie Schlegel who also has a vaccine injured child. We will have her back on next week to finish telling her story.