Drew Manning - Losing Weight, Von Eaglin - Believing Apologies #1105
Drew Manning Losing Weight
Today we talk with Drew Manning about the toughest part of losing weight, and with Von Eaglin about how to know when to believe an apology.
Drew Manning - Toughest Part About Losing Weight
Drew Manning is a leader in the fitness and health industry. He's also the author of the New York Times best-selling book, Fit2Fat2Fit: The Unexpected Lessons from Gaining and Losing 75 lbs on Purpose, and has for years been a leading voice in the burgeoning Keto Diet movement. Coming from someone who gained and lost 75 pounds on purpose, we know that Drew knows a lot about weight loss.Some of us lose weight easily, some not so much. Some gain weight super easily, and some not so much. Our bodies are not made equally, and there is so much going on inside our bodies that we have to do a lot of self-evaluation to know what's going to work and what's not. Today Drew talks about what the toughest parts are when losing weight. Is it the exercise, the diet, or the overall lifestyle change? He answers all of these questions, and more.
"I'm sorry..." but are you really?
Apologies can be difficult to understand. They can be passive aggressive, or straight out fake. Von Eaglin is a licensed professional counselor and today he joins us to talk about this. Everyone deals with getting and giving apologies. It's just the nature of life. We make mistakes, hurt others feelings, do people wrong, and the reverse happens to us. Learning to apologize is a huge piece of life and relationships.Whether it's between you and a friend, a colleague, a family member, or a spouse, you must learn to accept and give out apologies. But how can you tell when an apology is legit? Von tells us exactly this today. Some people simply will apologize just to put an end to the argument/disagreement, and this is not healthy. What do you do when someone gives you a petty apology? Listen in to hear all about it.