How Alcohol Affects Weight Loss, Weight Training, and More #1104

Alcohol and Weight LossToday we talk with Tina Bernet about how alcohol affects weight loss, weight lifting, and overall fitness and health.

How Alcohol Affects Weight Loss/Gain

Tina Bernet is one of the top female trainers in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. She has been in the fitness industry for over 25 years, so she knows quite a bit about this topic. Today we cover a few things. We talk about how alcohol affects weight loss/gain, weight lifting, and overall body composition. And we cover some of the basics of working out. Alcohol affects every person differently. However, Tina tells us that not all alcohol is equal. There are drastic differences in the physiological impact from either wine, beer, or liquor. Tina talks with us today about which alcohol you should stray away from and which are OK. She also talks about how much alcohol you can get away with without jeopardizing your progress.

Exercise Do's and Don'ts

Then we talk about the immune system and how it can be compromised by over training. That is why it is so important to understand your body and listen to it during and after whatever training you choose. Also, never over do it while sick or while recovering from and illness. The stress from your work out can extend the length of recovery from that illness much longer than necessary.Tina and Bernadette converse today all about exercise, whether your are younger or older, a man or a woman, it will apply to you. We all need to be active and take care of our bodies, not just for the physical reasons. Your health is your wealth, so take care of it! If you want to hear Tina talk about supersets, single sets, and circuits, click here.


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