DeWone Bennett - Are You Struggling To Adjust To Post Pandemic Life? - #1530

Therapy Thursday


It’s Therapy Thursday! Licensed Professional Counselor DeWone Bennett is here to talk about post pandemic anxieties and adjusting back to “normal” life.

DeWone Bennett

DeWone Bennett is a Licensed Professional Counselor with two masters degrees and over 12 years of counseling experience. He currently has his own practice, Dewone Bennett Counseling in Dallas, TX. He believes that the key to mental and behavioral success is the ability to master self-awareness and emotional control.

Are You Struggling To Adjust To Post Pandemic Life?

Research with isolated populations such as soldiers, astronauts, and prisoners tells us that social skills can atrophy just like muscles that are not used. If you are isolated from other people for an extended period of time, you will end up feeling awkward, socially anxious, and unable to tolerate what used to feel mundane or normal. This loneliness translates into real effects: feeling angry, tired, irritable, or sad. Even if you don’t consciously acknowledge that you are “lonely,” these other emotional reactions can be signs that you’ve been isolated for too long.

A lot of the new feelings and anxieties that are popping up are rooted in fear. If you are scared of the virus still but want to leave your house, start by only eating outside at restaurants. If you are concerned that your social skills have deteriorated permanently, take heart. Just because things are hard right now doesn’t mean that they will feel this way forever. The good news is that many people are experiencing the exact same things as you right now. That means that our social awkwardness is a collective experience we can relate to and commiserate with as we are going through it together. That means that our social awkwardness is a collective experience we can relate to and commiserate with as we are going through it together.

DeWone is saying that we need to understand that all people are coming out this pandemic are different. Realize that your social limits may have shifted (e.g., you might not be able to tolerate weeklong houseguests whereas in the past it would not have bothered you). Acknowledge that it’s OK to not have enough social energy for what you need to do and take breaks. Don’t make assumptions about what other people feel comfortable with. Have empathy for yourself and other people if things are awkward at first.

The COVID-15 went to the COVID-50 as far as weight gain goes. Many people started suffering from depression, and began to eat their feelings. Now, some people are becoming hyper-vigilant like they are ready to attack. Always being on your toes can be exhausting, and drain you of your flight or flight responses.


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