Jackie Schlegel - Texans for Vaccine Choice, Dom D’Agostino - Continuous Glucose Monitoring - #1501

Happy Monday


Happy Monday! Are you ready to go higher? We sure are! Rise and grind everyone. We have Jackie Schlegel and Dr. Dom D’Agostino on today, so stick around! 

Jackie Schlegel

Texans For Vaccine Choice

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Jackie is the Executive Director for Texans for Vaccine Choice. 

In just four short years, she took a group of passionate moms and turned it into the epitome of grassroots activism, setting an unprecedented standard for the nation and even drawing worldwide attention. That fledging group of 20 is now a political action committee and educational foundation with over 30,000 social media followers as well as 12,000+ official members who proudly align themselves with Texans for Vaccine Choice. Thanks to Jackie's endless energy and passion, this group is organized with local branches, core members, and team leaders impacting their schools, their communities, and their legislators.

COVID-19 Vaccine Update with Texans for Vaccine Choice

There has been so much happening! House Bill 2536 puts into law important reforms that protect parents who exercise their family’s right to medical freedom. It landed on the governor’s desk and IT PASSED! This is huge victory for Texas families. For years, this was an issue that hit parent’s right in the face every day. In addition to existing protections for parents when it comes to vaccine choice, this bill will IMMEDIATELY provide important legal protections for Texas parents who seek medical “second opinions” or choose to move their children to new doctors and medical providers. It’s your family. The choices you make for you and your children are not the business of government, and your rights should never be threatened for exercising vaccine choice. Bernadette and Jackie reflect on the families that simply suffered from being wrongfully vaccinated at school, and wrongfully denied her own rights. It is a slippery slope when we allow school district to in turn replace the parents in the building. Today, it seems like they are doing everything but that. YOUR BODY. YOUR CHOICE.

There are going to be a lot of updates coming towards your way in the next few weeks from Texans For Vaccine Choice. Visit TexansForVaccineChoice.com to keep yourself updated for yourself, and for your family. 

Dr. Dom D’Agostino

Dr. Dominic D’Agostino is a tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology at the University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine. He is also a Research Scientist at the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC) assisting with their efforts towards optimizing the safety, health and resilience of the warfighter and astronaut. His laboratory develops and tests nutritional strategies and metabolic-based supplements for neurological disorders, seizures, cancer and metabolic wellness. He was a research investigator and crew member on NASA’s Extreme Environment Mission Operation (NEEMO 22) His research is supported by the Office of Naval Research (ONR), Department of Defense (DoD), private organizations and foundations.

Continuous Glucose Monitoring

Glucose in the blood is one of the most important things we can monitor from blood tests. It tells us so much information that we would otherwise never be able to tell. Continuous glucose monitors can give you incredible insight into your own body and the reactions from the food you ingest. A small, reusable transmitter connected to the sensor allows the system to send real-time readings wirelessly to a monitor device that displays your blood glucose data. Some systems come with a dedicated monitor, and some now display the information via a smartphone app, so you don’t even need to carry an extra device around with you.

Aside from the constant stream of data, most CGMs can send alerts telling you when your blood sugar levels are rising too high or dropping too low. You can also set the alert parameters and customize how you’re notified. Your metabolic health is really a spectrum. Having an understanding of your baseline glucose and how you respond to food can really change your life and answer questions that would otherwise go unheard. 

Simply put, a continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) tracks glucose levels throughout the day and night and can alert you if your levels go too high or low. CGM systems take glucose measurements at regular intervals, as frequently as every 5 minutes, and translate them into dynamic data to show glucose direction and rate of change.

A Big Thank You!

Thank you to todays guests, Jackie Schlegel and Dr. Dom D’Agostino!

Keep up with Jackie Schlegel and The Texans For Vaccine Choice’s work, here!


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